We’ve launched a Trade and U.S. Tariff Resource Hub. Explore it here.

Women and man entering a local tennis store

Building Connected Communities

One of our city’s key strategic initiatives is the creation of a GO Investment Corridor.  This corridor would be made up of three “Complete Communities”, built around Burlington’s existing GO Transit train stations.  These would be compact, connected and smart mixed-use neighbourhoods that will drive economic growth and enhance the quality of life for the people who live, work and visit there.

The GO Investment Corridor is expected to provide 60,000 employment opportunities.

GO Transit is a regional public transit system that connects Burlington to Toronto and other cities in southern Ontario.

Unique Communities

Each community would have an authentic, distinctive brand of its own, based on its natural, historic or cultural elements. They will foster growth opportunities for new and diversified businesses, attracting skilled workers and engaging both residents and visitors.

Two runners in a Burlington neighbourhood

Sustainable Communities

Each community will make use of smart, environmentally-friendly technologies and innovative designs that integrate with their natural landscapes.

Connected Communities

These connected communities will be situated around the Burlington, Aldershot and Appleby GO transit train stations. They will benefit from Metrolinx’s planned Regional Express Rail, which will feature two-way, all-day service between Toronto and our city every 15 minutes.

GO Corridor Vision

  • Vision at a glance
  • Policy framework and timelines
  • Foundational Studies
  • Case studies & more
Cover image of the GO Investment Corridor Economic Vision Document

Inclusive Communities

Each community would be infrastructure-efficient and provide:

  • Residential, office and retail development opportunities.
  • Environments for new high-growth, knowledge-based businesses.
  • Talent pipeline initiatives.
  • Seamlessly integrated transit connectivity within the city and to Toronto and Niagara.
  • Walking options to retailers, services, entertainment venues, cultural and recreational facilities, restaurants and transit.
  • A mix of affordable housing options.
  • Innovative green spaces, parks and public spaces.
  • Walking trails and bike paths.
  • Protection of Burlington’s natural heritage and resources.
Young workers walking down a street in Burlington

GO Investment Corridor – Next Steps

We’re working closely with our colleagues at the City of Burlington to develop a holistic implementation strategy for the GO Investment Corridor by:

  • Conducting stakeholder and public engagement, and forming partnerships to address barriers.
  • Providing a vision for each community, including land uses, design considerations, amenities, and more.
  • Identifying key businesses ideal for locating here.
  • Developing an employment vision.
  • Encouraging sustainable and eco-friendly forms of development.
  • Integrating smart city infrastructure into each community.
  • Addressing future demographic and business needs.
  • Staying true to community values while maintaining Burlington’s heritage.

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