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Parking lot entrance to Techplace in Burlington

With an exceptionally skilled and educated workforce, a pro-business City Council, and a variety of strategic resources from which to choose from, your business will find itself well positioned for growth here in Burlington.

Parking lot entrance to Techplace in Burlington


Ideal for companies looking for regional headquarters for:

  • Insurance carriers
  • Accounting firms
  • Engineering services
  • Architectural services
  • Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
  • Management Consulting
Burlington breakdown of businesses and jobs per industry

Accessible & Visible Office Locations

  • Prime locations in areas easily accessible by foot traffic and local transit.
  • High availability of Class A office space.
  • High end industrial spaces.
  • Competitively priced.
  • Professionally managed.
  • Ample parking.

Our real estate site selector tool displays current availability, or we can recommend locations based on your industry and preferences.

Techplace building in Burlington

Skilled Talent

  • 76% of residents have a diploma or degree, higher than the province’s average.
  • There are 10 universities within 100 kilometres.  
  • A greater quality of life means employee retention rates are higher.

An Unbeatable Lifestyle

Our city provides a lot of unique amenities, including a spectacular downtown waterfront complex, popular attractions and an active social scene. A greater quality of life here means employee retention rates are higher.

Dedicated City Personnel will:

  • Eliminate barriers to business growth through the Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force.
  • Provide market intel and data.
  • Recommend sites based on your business’s needs.
  • Brainstorm and troubleshoot on the spot.
  • Liaise with all levels of government on your business’s behalf.
City Hall in Burlington in the early afternoon

Businesses Seizing Opportunity Here

Success Story:

Engineering Firm Doubles Its Size in Burlington

MTE Consultants, a multidisciplinary engineering firm, provides services in engineering, building science, land surveying and more. They were looking to attract clients in the Hamilton, Halton, Toronto and Niagara regions, and needed a central location and skilled workforce from which to attract talent from.

Our city stood out to them. As part of Halton region, Burlington meant easy access to clients and project locations.

MTE Workers Brainstorming

Our highly skilled workforce (73% of residents have a diploma or degree) provided them with a large talent pool to source their engineering team from.

MTE Consultants opened an office here in 2002 and credits Burlington with their continued success; they have doubled in size and have seized additional professional opportunities from our city’s continued growth and urbanization. They also feel that Burlington, with its perfect balance of rural to urban areas, strong sense of community, and location on the northern edge of Lake Ontario, is the ideal place to live.

Success Story:

Engineering Firm Doubles Its Size in Burlington

MTE Consultants set up shop here in 2002. Our central location and skilled workforce allowed them to double their size, and tap into key markets in Halton, Hamilton and surrounding regions.

Read the Full Story

“Burlington has struck a balance of progressive urbanization and preservation of natural features and open spaces that separates it from the rest.”

MTE Consulting, Burlington.

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