We’ve launched a Trade and U.S. Tariff Resource Hub. Explore it here.

Resources For Your Local Business

Burlington Economic Development has compiled a list of services and resources designed to support and guide our local businesses as they grow and expand in the city.

Small Business Service Guide

This service guide serves to help guide your small business through the environment, spaces, programs, and resources that can help your business grow in Burlington.

Digital Service Squad

The Digital Service Squad is part of the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association’s (OBIAA) Digital Main Street program.  The Squad is composed of trained specialists who will introduce you to the digital tools and technologies businesses need today to stay competitive and grow.  These resources are particularly important with the advent of physical distancing and mask laws.

The Squad will first conduct a complimentary audit of your digital presence, then help you develop a Digital Transformation Plan.  A $2500 grant is available to help you purchase equipment and services necessary to implement your plan.

For more information, contact Burlington’s Digital Service Squad member Ana at ana@techplace.ca.

DSS services can include:

  • Training you or your staff on a basic website build.
  • Improving your existing online presence (through a Google My Business account, Social Media channels, 360º photos and more).
  • Introducing you to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) techniques.
  • Setup of E-commerce, Point of Sale (POS) and Customer Database programs.

YWCA Hamilton

YWCA Hamilton women’s entrepreneurship programs supports new and existing businesses with one-on-one coaching, business plan training, mentoring and digital support services across Southern Ontario.

Canada Digital Adoption Program

The Canada Digital Adoption Program helps get businesses online and helps digitalize business operations. Two streams are available for digital adoptions:

  • Apply for a micro-grant and access e-commerce advisors to help you go digital and take advantage of e-commerce opportunities
  • Apply for a grant to help you develop a digital plan, and leverage funded work placements to help with your digital transformation

Halton Region Small Business Centre

The Halton Small Business Centre has a suite of programs, services, and tools to help businesses grow and succeed in the changing economy. Click here to learn more about resources and supports for managing your small business.

Women walking by local tennis store

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