We’ve launched a Trade and U.S. Tariff Resource Hub. Explore it here.

Helping You Make an Informed Decision

Here you can access a variety of industry, workforce, economic and community data to better inform your business decisions.

Families walking down the Burlington Waterfront Boardwalk

Quick Facts

The key highlights that make our city so attractive to businesses and residents.

Economic Indicators

How our high performance economy makes us the strategic choice for your company’s startup or expansion plan.


Access detailed information on our city’s demographic characteristics.

Labour Market

How our workforce is ready and able to meet your business’s talent needs.

Business Directory

A directory of the city’s businesses, along with website addresses and company descriptions.

Group of young professionals walking down the street

The Numbers Don’t Lie

76% of residents have Post Secondary Education

$10.6 Billion dollars, Burlington’s annual GDP

Over 60% of households earn $100,000 or more

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